Many Nigerians nowadays subscribe to data plans for variety of reasons such as for browsing, mobile chatting, downloading and so on. Some of them spend more money to buy data and some even spend as much a 5 kobo per kilobyte which is not ideal.

If you could offer many of them the ability to buy data at a much lower rate than what they'll get from MTN directly, you could make money doing so and this is now possible through what MTN calls their SME Data Share plan.
MTN Nigeria's SME data plan allows subscribers who have more money to spend to buy more data for as low as N700 per Gigabyte with the lowest plan selling for as log as N1000 per Gigabyte.
If you could buy 1GB for N1,000 from MTN and resell it to subscribers for N1200 or N1500, then that's already a profitable business you can do since it has a good Returns on Investment(ROI) of at least 20%.
As at this date, MTN sells 10GB for N10,000, 20GB for N18,000, 50GB for N40,500 and 75GB for N52,500 and you can start using this service by first subscribing to the package by sending 460 to 131 via SMS or dialing *461#. If you ask me, I think it's a good deal for people who want to save money when buying data plans from MTN to use or resell. You can resell at a profit and share the data by simply dialing *461#.
You might ask if it's not possible for potential customers to avoid your service and rather buy directly from MTN. Well, not many Nigerians have that amount of bulk money to spend and some don't use that much data but would definitely want a cheaper data plan that what MTN might be offering them for say 50 to 100 MB. If they were to buy 100 MB from MTN directly, they might have to pay as much as .
Currently, MTN's data plans to the masses sells 10 MB for N100, 50 MB for N200 and 260 MB for N1,000. However, with a low 10GB your purchased for N10,000 using the SME data plan, you are already getting 10MB for N10 and 260MB for N260.
Are there differences between MTN's data plan and their SME data share plan? Well, one difference I've noticed is that there are no data roll overs. Secondly, the data you sold to or shared with others data will expire at the same date as that of the owner.
It's a good way to make money and it's also a good way to save money when browsing with MTN. Imagine buying data for as low as N1 per MB from a Nigerian ISP? There are not many service providers offering that low for data in Nigeria.
It's a good way to make easy money and you just have to connect with other people who normally buy or use data and offer them your package.
How does one load an airtime credit of N10,000 using a recharge card? You don't need a recharge card since you can do this by using your card on an ATM, use Quickteller's website or by dialing your bank's USSD code for airtime topup.
Things you need are:
- A mobile phone with MTN sim
- At least N10,000 airtime credit
- Subscription to MTN SME data share plan by dialing *461#

How to Make Money with Your Barbing Skills 
It is obvious that a lot of people are making money this day as a barber, because there is a large market for this which was formerly involving only guy  having their hair cuts, but as we noticed what a man can do a woman can do better, women now have their hair cuts as well. So you could see for yourself that starting up this business is promising. Some of you might think that barbing is a poor man’s job, forgetting that its all about packaging. 

Necessary Requirement to Setup a Barbing Saloon:
  • A Shop (Rented or Owned):
  • Pimping of the shop i.e. setting up to your taste tilling the floor would be a plus
  • Keep Your Business Permit Tax Money (usually a Token)
  • Clippers
  • Hair Brushes
  • Combs
  • Clipper Sterilizers
  • Clipper oil
  • Powder
  • Powder Pan
  • Television, Deck, DVDs & Films for Clients Entertainment
  • Methylated Spirit
  • Broom, Parker & Mop for Cleaning
  • Towels
  • DYE
  • Dustbin
  • Chairs
  • Generator
  • Mirrors
  • A Barber if you aren’t the one to do the barbing
Factors That Hinders the Growth or Success of a Barber Shop
  • Lack of Light or Power will require you to buy fuel which will cost you money; sometime during scarcity the availability of fuel is a problem.
  • Poor Shop Location (location is everything, a poor location will make it had for potential customers to locate you and it’s a big problem.
               Recommendation: Always look for Shop along the road near settlements.

  • Inexperience Barber: This person is the Heart or Engine room, of your business success or growth, so this can’t be over emphasized enough, so please, don’t joke with this aspect of your business
  • Poor or Lack of Customer Care or Relationship:  Customer Comes First and Customers Are always right should always be your motor or watch word.
  • Dirty or Unclean environments: Always keep your environments clean at all time, not because it’s a  barber shop the hairs are allowed  to be littered everywhere.

Estimated Income From Operating a Barbing Saloon
If the least haircut goes for ₦150 naira for adult and ₦100naira for children at 50 people in a day would be ₦5000naira a day, if at ₦5000naira least earning a day it will be ₦35000 a week, ₦140,000 a month, ₦1,680,000naira a year, Vuala you are a millionaire

Please no business is too small, so long you bring home the ballery

For those who don't already know, Google adsense is a popular way to earn income from the internet. For those who know, I guess by now they must have received their first pay from Google.

How adsense works and helps in bringing you income
Google adsense allows website publishers to monetize their website's content by selling ad spaces to Google's pool of advertisers on an agreed payment basis which is mostly calculated by clicks and impressions.

Sites that make the most income from Google adsense are the ones that have the most traffic, more importantly, relevant traffic. The more content your website has, the more likely you will make money. The more niches you diversify in and the larger your network of sites, your adsense income can increase astronomically.

Publishers who participate in the Google adsense programme are able to earn some income from it by pasting the codes on their sites and making money on a Pay Per click and impression basis. So if you have a great site, perhaps you should try earning some income from it or just see how much you can earn using Google adsense.

Tips for increasing Google adsense income
If you've been using Google adsense program for long and want to increase your income from it, then here are some tips:

- Diversify to new niches
- Build more similar sites
- Increase your site content by a factor relative to what you want to earn
- Keep people subscribed. Create an email subscription service e.g Feedburner
- Optimize your site for search engines
- Write for search engines but write more for people
- Dominate your niche by identifying your keywords

How much income can I earn from Google adsense?
It depends on a lot of things such as:
- How much impressions are shown on your network or site
- How much advertisers are bidding for your site
- How many clicks you get

A couple of adsense publishers belong to what we call the ups club and they receive fat pay cheques from Google going from $10,000+ a month but most publishers who are mostly startups or don't really know how adsense works tend to earn about $100 a month. If you are earning $100 a month, then there is still room for improvement and you can make do with some of the tips I listed above to increase your adsense income. So it really depends on how much work you put in. If you have a site with useful content of about 10,000 to 100,000 pages, then you can earn reasonable income from adsense.

With the scarcity of jobs in Nigeria, you can leverage your driving skill to make money
In other for you to make money as a driver you must have gone to a driving school and afterward obtain a driver license to  enable you be called a professional driver.

There is huge money to be made in driving, ranging from 20,000 to 500,000 Naira per month
Who Needs Your Driving Services?

1)      Companies
2)      Government Agencies
3)      Private
4)      Individuals

Related Topic: How to Make Money Driving for Uber

Although there is a growing number of large shopping malls opening up in big cities like Lagos, Enugu and Abuja, there still remain unique opportunities for retail provision stores to make a good profit from engaging in business.

Provisions are those things that households need on a daily basis. They are necessary stuff that people frequently buy most of the time. Things like sugar, coffee, bread, toothpaste, soap, packaged food, body cream,

If you run a provision store or want to invest in that sort of business, then you should know that it is a profitable one as you just need to know how to break even, how to source for supplies, set prices and sell your items.

Small provision stores as opposed to large shopping malls have their marketing advantages such as being able to be more closely located to residential homes, better customer service and cheaper running costs.

Also Read: Make Money With Photography business 

People who engage in provision business can grow their capital over a short period of time if sales are high. Their focus really is in getting goods from wholesalers and then reselling to end users for a profit. You would need to know how to source for your good from local Nigerian producers as well as imports and then setting your selling price. The more turnover you make, the more your capital grows.

One thing about running a provision store is that it comprises of a lot of goods and so knowing the price of every item can be a burden so it's best to price tag your goods and then use price tag readers and a computer based system for billing customers during their checkout.

Emerging provision stores in Nigeria now make use of such computer based system and even POS machines for accepting payments from customers in addition to accepting cash too.

Banking your daily cash is also important for security reasons. You should decide on the daily cash limit that ought to be banked rather than leaving them in your store which may not really be safe. So you can set a limit of say N50,000 to N100,000 depending on how much capital is involved in your business.

How about having employees? You can employ one or two staff depending on the size of your provision store and business. A small store can easily be run by 2 people and if larger, you may need more. You can also install security cameras or CCTV for larger stores to to protect your business from shoplifters.

Also Read: Become a Driver and Make Money 

Stocktaking and accounting for sales should be done on a periodic basis such as monthly or quarterly or as you please. This is to ensure that your stock pr provisions which have been depleted have actually been from sales alone and not misplaced or stolen.

You should also compare your sales and purchases to know how much profit you've been making over that period of time and know whether to change prices or focus more on more profitable stocks.

What you need for a Provision store business
- A store
- Staff
- Accounting system
- Contact of Suppliers
- Stock
- Capital

 Related Topic- How to Start a Grocery Store in Nigeria

The photography business is always profitable in Nigeria and this is one of the coolest businesses one can do with little or no capital and that doesn't mean that you can't do more with bigger capital. I've seen small startup photographers run a good business even from a small shop and I've seen well established ones open up large offices and even complete duplexes for just a studio. So whichever way you look at it, photography business is open to the small and big investors.

What it involves
It is really all about taking pictures and the better you are at striking a good balance between light and your lenses and the background, the better your work would be appreciated. In Nigeria, one doesn't really need to have a professional certificate or training to become a photography as it is still largely unregulated and open to everyone. I think you may just have to register as a member of your association and then pay your taxes to the govt and you're good to go although it pays to be properly trained by an expert.

Also Read: How to make money from Food delivery services 

Basic Things you will need to run a Photography business
- Digital Cameras
- Office
- Lighting
- Photo Printer
- Photo paper
- Running capital
- Studio room
- Computer (Desktop or Laptop)

How the money comes in
As a photographer, you can rake in some good money by offering a wide range of services or just sticking to specific services.

Services you can offer include:
- Passport photos: about N50($0.3) per unit
- Portrait photos: about N100($0.6) per unit
- Event coverage
- Visa lottery photos
- Digital photos

I think the most popular service people request for is passport photos and this is by young people still in school.

Also Read: Starting a Computer Business Center in Nigeria

How much can one make?

Think of it, if you can provide passport pictures at a rate of N200 for 4 units, then you can make N1m from selling 5000 batches of 4 units each. You just need to be where the market is, offer the right price and quality and deliver on time. I know one place in a university where they offer wait and take digital passports and these are readily available in as little as 10 mins and the quality is good.

There are many photography businesses and outlets in Nigeria and not all of them offer the same quality and price but it's good to offer good quality and with less time in order to retain a lot of customers in the long run.

Related Topic: 14 Ways to Make More Money as a Photographer

There are a lot of growing small business in Nigeria, a country where govt's inefficiency in the supply of basic public amenities is allowing small businesses to thrive.

One of such thriving and new businesses is Mobile phone battery charging.
Can you imagine that in 2012, one can make money by just offering Nigerians the ability to recharge their phone batteries? Well this is the case in Africa's leading mobile market as more and more people embrace the GSM technology.

What this business requires:
- Power source: Generator, Inverter, Solar energy or alternative means of power
- Fuel and maintenance costs
- Office
- Book Keeping
- Charging points

Also Read: The Richest Man in Nigeria is a Manufacturer, You Too Can

How much can one make?
So how much can one make by simply offering a phone battery recharging service. From what I've learn, service providers make about N50($0.3) per phone and make around N1000($6.6) daily since they serve about 100 people.

This sort of business mostly thrives anywhere but mostly in places where there are a lot of people living. Nowadays, even people living in the village all have mobile phones
Substandard batteries are helping the business
A good quality phone battery can actually last for 2 days and in most cases 3 but nowadays more Nigerians tend to charge their phones on a daily basis and this is simply because of the presence of low quality batteries which require more power for recharging.

Due to the high number of non-genuine and second hand batteries, more people tend to spend more time recharging their phone batteries than using their phones. So, as long as the power supply is still a major problem for govt, low quality batteries are in the market, this business would continue to thrive.

Also Read: Make money by saving it in a domiciliary account 

This sort of business can be started with low capital and I don't think one should invest a large amount of money into it since govt policy and effectiveness in public services could improve within the next 10 years or less.

Related Topic: Phone Charging Business In Nigeria

Poultry farming is one of the most popular and profitable agric business one can do in Nigeria as it involves the raising of chickens for their meat and eggs. It is something that is encouraged by the government and highly patronized by people. In Nigeria, food business is always good business and it is almost impossible for people to go without eating eggs or chicken meat.

Things you will need
What does this business really require? Well, you'd definitely need things like the following:
- Running Capital(About N200,000)
- Space/Location and caging
- Chicks
- Heating
- Feeding and water troughs
- Chicken feed and medicine
- Market Target

Also Read: Make money trading stocks in Nigeria 

Running Capital
You would need some sort of capital for running the business in the short term before income starts rolling in. About N200,000 can be a good capital to help in getting started besides the other assets required.
Space and caging

Chickens tend to need a lot of space in order to grow healthy and productively. You should consider providing sufficient vertical and horizontal space for your chicks once they start growing. It would be better setting up your poultry in a non residential area that is also close to farms. Local laws may not allow setting up a commercial poultry in mostly residential areas and the good thing also is that land in such less developed areas also tends to be cheaper and you can get land from about N200,000 to N1m in Lagos depending on location. You may also get land on lease if you don't want to buy land yet.

Setting up a cage for your growing chickens is also necessary and this can be one made of wood or blocks and then roofed while the sides would be covered with metal cages or nets to prevent get birds from getting out. The cage should also be able to protect the chickens from predators like bush rats and snakes.
The floor of the cage should also be covered with soft material like sawdust so as to allow for easy cleaning of manure and also make it conducive for the birds.

How much space do your chickens really need? It depends on how many chickens you are planning to house in the long term. The more space you have, the more healthy chickens you can raise. You can use one hectare of land if you want.

Chicks are your main assets here and you need to source for them from the right farmers. There are are lot of sellers in the market from where you can get day old chicks. The chicks would cost about N100 to N200 depending on their maturity and quality. You can start with 100 or more and then place them in a conducive and cold free environment with sufficient food supply.

Types of Chicken
There are two main types of chicken birds used in commercial poultry farming and they are:
- Broilers
- Layers

Broilers: These are chickens primarily raised for their meat alone. They grow very fast and not fertile to lay eggs but rather add weight. They are mostly fed with broiler's mash and tend to mature within about 12 weeks

Layers: These are chickens that are grown primarily for their eggs. They are more fertile than broilers but have less weight gain. They may also be sold for their meat but they are much better at laying eggs and some do so everyday after they reach maturity. They tend to mature after about 22 weeks and are mostly fed with layer's mash.

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Waste products of chickens
Chickens tend to produce waster products when they excrete and these can also be sold as manure so it's a win win situation

Your poultry cage would also need sufficient heating supply especially during cold temperatures like harmattan and rainy season. The heating supply normally comes as vertically installed electric bulbs that produce heat. The cage should also have a mechanism for covering it externally during such times apart from just the heating.- - You can make use of a blanket like cover like a curtain.
The heating is not turned on during the day or during the hot season but only during cold temperatures to protect the birds from flu and other illnesses.

Feeding and water troughs

These are channels through which your chicks would be feed with food and water.. They are called troughs and can be locally made with wood or metal. They can be rectangular or circular shaped and they come in various designs. You cage should allow for the installation of such feeding channels. You should have two of such channels as one would be used for water while the other would be used for food.

Chicken feed and medicine

Chickens bred in the poultry tend to have their own special kind of food and medicine which is a bit different from that of local fowls. The kind of food that are fed to chickens are called mash and these are balanced foods grounded by processing firms and packaged in bags. Broilers are to be fed with broilers mash while layers are to be fed with layer's mash.

Chickens tend to eat a lot and you may have to feed them about 3 times a day. Poultry feed is one of the major expenses you would be having to deal with on a periodic basis.

They also need medicine and this is to be supplied through the water channels in their cage. Poultry medicine is commercially available from the antibacterial ones to the fertility ones and they come in powdery form. Some medicine help in keeping them healthy while some are designed to serve as multivitamins. They should be purchased and supplied through the water troughs after mixing with water.

Market Targeting
What is your target market? You need to identify your potential customers and know how to market to them when your products are ready for them. Will your be reselling to wholesale buyers or end users? Would you have to move your produce to stores or would you rather have buyers come to your farm? Pricing and knowing your market would be required.

How to get started in poultry business
- Register your business if necessary
- Construct your cages on your choice location
- Install heating and feeding troughs
- Spray sawdust on the floor
- Get day old chicks from poultry sellers or hatch your own eggs in an incubator within 21 days
- Purchase feed bags and medicine from your suppliers
- Raise your chicks to maturity.

Hygiene and waste products
It can be a dirty business so you may need to get employees to help you in running in and cleaning the cage from time to time. Most of the waste that are removed are droppings and these normally get mixed with the saw dust when removed. You can sell the waste as manure after drying them in the sun and bagging them. You can also use them in your farm assuming you also run a farm. Dead birds that die after an illness are also to be removed and the ones that fall ill may have to be isolated from the healthy ones to prevent disease spread.

It's a profitable business and you can make good money running it. The only thing is that it can be stressful managing one

Related Topic: How to Start a Lucrative Poultry farming business in Nigeria

One advantage a reseller has is that he doesn't take risks in sourcing for raw materials or engaging in production but rather he purchases products already produced and then resells them to others for profit.
A reseller literally makes profit by acting as a middle man between a producer and a consumer or between a top wholesaler and retailer. A reseller can also be a retailer/wholesale who simply sells goods that has already being sold to him, hence the term re-seller.

Also Read: 5 Big Businesses to do in Nigeria and Make Money 

There are lots of products or assets which a reseller can sell in Nigeria such as provisions, consumer items, electronics, cars, computers, mobile phones, gsm accessories and so on. Resellers are not exactly long term investors as they tend to prefer making quick sales for products they've recently acquired within the short term.

A reseller may or may not reveal the source of his products in order not to limit competition. He may even brand such products or make a deal with the producer to brand such products in his name to make it look unique. That sort of arrangement is quite possible in a situation where the manufacturer or major dealer has a reselling package for people like him.

Let's give an example of a reseller who resells packages food and does the delivery to customers who made a call-in order. He does not really produce the food but it could come branded in his company name to promote his brand and encourage long term loyalty while he simply sources for such products from any group of producers depending on his choice.

As a reseller, you will need to have capital, acquire goods/services at a discount and then resell them to buyers at a profit. You can decide on how much profit you want to make on your sales and this can be on a 10%, 20% or 30% profit margin.

Also Read: How to Blog for Business
A reseller knows how to get the right goods, where the market is and how to deliver it for profit. There is practically nothing that you can't resell in Nigeria as long as it's always on sale.

Related Topic: here's how you can make money selling your crafts

In a country of over 170 million people, no other tv show attracts much loyalty as football events and that is why running a football business in population dense areas in Nigeria can be a good business.

Imagine being able to make money in Nigeria just by allowing people to watch football tv in your entertainment center? Well the football tv viewing center business is one of the new and growing profitable businesses one can do in Nigeria as all you need to do is build it and they will surely come. You can make money from gate tickets, advertising as well as consumption sales.

After work, what do people do to relax? Well at times they just go home, while some go to clubs, others go on dates and at times they just want to be entertained. TV viewing centres are in vogue now in Nigeria and they are different categories of them spreading over cities like Lagos and Abuja. Some category of viewing centers are for the big boys while others are for the low income class depending on the gate fee.

Also Read: Investing in Event Halls Will Make You Money
Although, live football viewing is one of the more popular viewing service people are willing to pay for in Nigeria, especially during the season, you can also have some other side attractions when there is no live football like movies and football videos.

To start a viewing center, the basic asset one really needs is a piece of land in a serene environment and you can then setup a main wide screen using a projector or big screen tv.

You know, there are times people may not like going to clubs to party or dance but just want to relax and be at peace with themselves while getting entertained. Besides some clubs can be more expensive than viewing centers so most Nigerians tend to flock to these places as a great place to also socially connect with people in their class.

What people gain by going to public viewing centers
- Entertainment
- Meeting people in a similar social class
- Exchanging ideas and business contact
- Affordable Reacreation

For some people, it is actually cheaper to go to viewing centers than going to clubs or taking someone on a date or the movies. While for some others, it is like a neutral ground that has better moral standards than clubs.

Some Legal requirements
- Register it as a business
- Register with your local govt
- Get public tv license from authorized dealers if you don't have the direct rights to it eg. from DSTV, HiTv, GoTv or Startimes

: Also Read:  Make Money Providing Solar Energy services 

Basic Things you will need
- Capital
- Staff
- Land or location
- Generator
- TV or Projector and screen
- Cable tv subscription
- Seats
- Inverter/UPS
- Local govt permission to operate as a public viewing center
- Security

Spacing requirements
You should have it in mind of the maximum capacity of your viewing centre and make sure not to exceed that capacity so as not to cause overcrowding. If your hall is designed for 100 people, don't admit 200 people else it would be a problem. Every public space has a limited capacity of people it can contain so try to enforce that.

Location of generator
Generators should be located in ideal places far away from where people are seated. It should be able to operate in a well ventilated or open space so as not to cause poisoning to people since its fumes are dangerous.

Collecting payments
Most payment for viewing centres are collected at the gates or door before entry but you can always decide on how to collect your fees. You may also need the services of security to handle troublemakers.

Related Topic: How To Start Football Viewing Center


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